Accessibility statement

We believe that the internet should be available and accessible to everyone, without prejudice of abilities or status.

Our aim is to fulfill all criteria of content accessibility on the Internet at level AA. Following these regulations ensures that the website is accessible to everyone; the visually challenged, people with motor difficulties, people with epilepsy, color blindness, cognitive challenges and more. This website has been designed in a manner that ensures it is adapted for all users, in keeping with the equal rights regulations for people with challenges in accordance with recommendations for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0 And Israeli Standards 5568 part 1.

Information about website accessibility

Adjustment for keyboard users

  1. The site is optimized for keyboard navigation: you can navigate it using the Tab and Shit + Tab keys, activate menus and selection fields with the arrow keys and close them with Esc. You can activate buttons and links with the Enter key, navigate between radio elements and between check boxes with the arrow keys, and fill them with the space key or the Enter key.
  2. Checked compatibility of the visual order of items and their order in navigation using TAB.
  3. The focus mark when using the keyboard is clear and prominent.
  4. You can skip to the main part of each page using a skip link at the top of the page.

Compatibility with a screen reader

  1. The website is written in a semantic way, with acceptable HTML tags and content hierarchy. In addition, ARIA features (Accessible Rich Web Applications) are embedded in the website to ensure that users using a screen reader can read, understand and use the website.
  2. Images contain alternative text that provides information about the content of the image.
  3. The site is compatible with all popular screen readers including JAWS and NVDA

Additional adjustments

  1. The site meets text contrast requirements to ensure that all users can read it without difficulty.
  2. Color is not exclusively used as indicator.
  3. All videos embedded on the website include subtitles.
  4. In the test conducted, the site was found to be safe for users who are sensitive to motion and flicker.

Browser compatibility and tech support

Our aim is to provide support for the entire browser system and support technology insofar as is possible, so that our users can choose those tools which best suit their needs, with the fewest challenges. We use all those browsers which make up 95% of the user market including Google Chrome, Mozille Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge. JAWS and NVDA (screen readers) work with both Windows and MAC.

The site was tested in Google Chrome and NVDA screen reader. This combination ensures the highest level of compatibility.

Information about the accessibility of the business

This business does not have a reception, so it is not obliged to display information about the accessibility of the business.

Comments and feedback

Despite our many efforts to ensure the ability of every user to adapt the site for their needs, there may still be pages or sections which are not fully accessible, and which are either in the process of being made accessible, or there may not yet be an appropriate technological solution for them. If you encounter a problem or are unable to use any section of the site, or if you have ideas to help us improve it, we would be glad to hear from you. Please contact us directly.

Phone: +972528962634

Email: [email protected]

Last update: 26/04/2023

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