Traveling to Petra from Israel

Visiting Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Jordan, a journey into history. Traverse the Siq to witness the stunning Treasury, explore ancient tombs, showcasing Nabatean ingenuity in a dramatic desert landscape, an unforgettable experience.
Petra Bab As-Siq

Petra: unique history carved in stone

Every time we go back to Petra, as soon as we enter through that narrow gorge of the Siq and see those huge cliffs towering above us, we get goosebumps, knowing that just around the corner, the Treasury is waiting to take our breath away once again. And sure enough, there she is – Al Khazneh, still looking as beautiful as the first time we saw her, with that iconic facade intricately carved right into the pink rocky wall.
We never get tired of wandering around this ancient city, exploring the countless tombs, temples, and the impressive theater carved right out of the hillside. It’s just mind-blowing to think people built this place thousands of years ago!
The way the sun moves and casts shadows on Jordan’s colorful rock cliffs – it’s like Mother Nature putting on a show just for us.
Petra just gives us all the feels, you know?

With Jordan’s interesting history and landscapes, it’s an adventure for sure, but also so beautiful and peaceful at the same time. For us, Petra is magical – our favorite place to go for a short day trip out of Israel, Honestly, we’d go back every year if we could!

Must-Sees destinations in Petra: 3 Highlights for Your Visit

  1. The Treasury: This intricate, carved-in-rock facade is for sure Petra’s poster child. With its grand size and crazy detailed design built by the Nabateans thousands of years ago, the Treasury is guaranteed to make your jaw drop.
  2. The Monastery: Even bigger than the Treasury, the Monastery sits way up high with epic panoramic views all around. You’ve gotta hike up 800 steps to get there, but it’s 100% worth it to see this monumental building carved into the cliffs against Jordan’s red mountains – a wow factor!
  3. The Siq: This narrow gorge is the entrance to Petra, with super high cliffs towering on both sides. The one-kilometer walk through the windy Siq builds up the anticipation, before revealing the legendary Treasury in the most unforgettable way. It’s a combo of awesome landscapes and excitement that gives you chills.


the Royal Tombs, Petra

Taking an organized day trip to Petra

Opting for an organized day tour is a stress-free way to experience Petra. These tours handle everything from transportation to securing entry tickets, ensuring a smooth journey. You benefit from the knowledge of expert guides who provide rich historical and cultural insights, adding depth to your visit. Safety and reliability are key advantages here, as these tours follow well-established routes and adhere to strict safety standards, offering peace of mind in unfamiliar territories.

Traveling from Tel Aviv to Petra

If you’re primarily based in Tel Aviv, opting for a day tour to Petra is the most convenient choice; it’s a lengthy journey, but you’ll be able to experience the wonders of Petra in comfort, traveling aboard a deluxe tour bus.

A day trip to Petra from Tel Aviv usually takes around 18 hours, encompassing travel to and from Petra, border crossing at Eilat/Aqaba, and the tour itself. Duration may vary due to border efficiency and traffic.

Traveling from Jerusalem to Petra

For those in Jerusalem looking to take a day trip to Petra, be prepared for an approximately 18 hour journey combining ancient sites and beautiful desert scenery. Typically starting early from Jerusalem, you’ll travel through Israel’s Negev Desert and see the Ramon Crater at sunrise. After crossing into Jordan with assistance, it’s onward through the Jordanian desert to Petra.

After the tour, free time lets you explore Petra further on your own. The return to Jerusalem involves stopping at the border and driving back through the desert, capping a full, memorable day.

This organized tour ensures a comprehensive experience, covering transport in an air-conditioned vehicle, a guide, entrance fees, snacks and water. Note that timings are rough estimates and can vary based on factors like traffic and border crossings.

Traveling from Eilat to Petra

If you find yourself soaking in the sun and enjoying the Red Sea in Eilat, consider taking a day tour to Petra. This 12-hour tour offers a unique contrast to Eilat’s coastal reefs, taking you through the dramatic landscapes of Jordan to the ancient city of Petra. It’s a convenient way to explore one of the world’s archaeological wonders, adding a touch of historical adventure to your seaside getaway. The journey to Petra and back, filled with both cultural and scenic delights, is a memorable addition to your Eilat stay and only takes about 12 hours including border crossings.

Crossing to Petra on your own

Choosing to make the trip independently allows for a highly personalized experience. This option is ideal for those who prefer the freedom to explore at their own pace and according to their own interests. It encourages deeper engagement with the local culture and people, often leading to more authentic encounters. While this approach requires more planning and navigation, it offers a sense of adventure and the opportunity to tailor the trip to your specific preferences, from selecting specific sites to allocating time as you see fit.

Crossing to Petra on your own involves a more complex and potentially costly process. First, you need to arrange travel to Eilat, which could be by bus/plane/rental car. From Eilat, you will then take a taxi to the border crossing, handling the necessary paperwork and visa fees upon arrival. Once in Jordan, another taxi ride from the border to Petra is required. This independent approach can end up being more expensive, especially considering the high costs of taxis in the region. Additionally, coordinating these various components – transport, border crossing, and local travel in Jordan – requires careful planning and can be time-consuming compared to an organized tour. This method, while offering more flexibility and autonomy, may not be the most cost-effective or efficient way to experience Petra.

Do I need a visa to visit Jordan?

You’ll need a visa to enter Jordan. The good news is, for many travelers, obtaining a visa is quite straightforward. If you’re from most Western countries, you can receive a tourist visa upon arrival at the border, especially at the Eilat-Aqaba crossing. However, the process involves a border tax of around 60 USD. It’s always wise to double-check the latest visa requirements for your specific nationality before your trip.

Visa to Jordan
Visa to Jordan


Other things you should know

Traveling from Tel Aviv to Petra typically takes around 18 hours, including transport, border crossing at Eilat/Aqaba, and the Petra tour.
Petra is located in the southwestern desert of Jordan, about 240 kilometers south of the capital, Amman. It sits between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, near the Israeli border.

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