Jerusalem Wall

History, views, and stunning architecture, in a tour of the historical Jerusalem Wall, offering an incredible step back in time in the old city of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem Wall, Jerusalem

Experience the inconic Jerusalem Wall.

A tour of the Jerusalem Wall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the best experiences you can have in the historic city. The combination of the impressive architecture, the great views, and the tremendously important historical and religious sites you’ll see from here, will deliver you an epic experience of a lifetime.

The Jerusalem Wall, surrounding the old city of Jerusalem, is one of the most iconic landmarks of the city, and an incredible sight to behold. While you will get many chances to see the wall from different places in the city and the Mount of Olives viewpoint, one of the best ways to experience the historical Jerusalem Wall is to take a tour right on the wall itself and see all of the city’s beautiful and important sites from a unique point of view. Here’s all of the important information about the Jerusalem Wall.

The History of Jerusalem Wall

The walls surrounding the old city of Jerusalem have been destroyed and rebuilt many times throughout history. The first wall was built around Jerusalem in the Canaanite period, more than 4,000 years ago, and the last one, the one that stands today, was built by the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the First about 500 years ago, along a route similar to the one built during the Roman period. The length of the walls of Jerusalem is about 4 kilometers/2.5 miles, the maximum thickness at the walls’ base is 3 meters/10 feet, and there are 34 towers on the walls, with the Tower of David being the main one.

Touring the Jerusalem Wall

A walk alongside the beautiful Jerusalem Wall Promenade allows an unusual observation of the old city below, the modern city to the west, and the Judean desert to the east. An integral part of the experience of the Jerusalem Wall Promenade is peeking through the slits in the wall and seeing the various important sites through them. The Jerusalem Wall tour is independent and suitable for the whole family. However, it’s important to know that it is not accessible at all.

The tour starts from Jaffa Gate, right next to the Tower of David, and is divided into two different promenades: the Southern Promenade and the Northern Promenade, which both start from the same location. It is also possible to combine both walks and make the route almost circular.

Entrance fee:

Adults: 25 ILS

Children (5-18): 12 ILS

Southern Promenade

Start the tour at the Jaffa Gate, which got its name because in the past the road from Jerusalem to Jaffa passed through it. On the first part of the promenade, you will pass through several sites with the name David: Tower of David, Citadel of David, King David Street, and King David Hotel. Also clearly visible from here is Mishkent Sha’ananim, the first Jewish neighborhood that was built outside the walls of the Old City.

The southern route continues and passes over the Armenian quarter, the smallest of the old city’s four quarters. A trip inside the district is possible only during certain times of day, and many people know it mainly because of the charming ceramic shops in it. On the other side, there is a great view of Mount Zion, at the top of which is the impressive Dormition Abbey. At your feet, there are a few different old cemeteries – the closer Catholic cemetery, and the Armenian cemetery behind it.

Another short walk will lead you to to the Dung Gate, from where you’ll get a view of the houses of the Jewish quarter located in the southeastern part of the old city.
At the Dung Gate, you will descend from the wall, right at the entrance of the archaeological garden. A short walk from here will bring you to the Western Wall and from here you can continue the trip through the streets of the old city that you saw from the wall, or go on the the Northern Promenade.

Northern Promenade

Here, too, you’ll start at the Jaffa gate, but this time go to the northern side. The route passes over the Christian quarter steeped in churches and monasteries. Among the many churches, you’ll see the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located at the end of “Via Dolorosa”, As well as the impressive Notre Dame Monastery on the lively Market Street. You’ll also get a great look at the other side of the Mount of Olives, on the slopes of which is the Church of All Nations surrounded by a beautiful garden, Mount Scopus, and beyond – the views of the Judean Desert.

If you continue on the Northern Promenade all the way to to the end, at the Lions’ Gate, you will stand at a symbolic place from where the Israeli soldiers entered the Old City on their way to conquer it in the Six-Day War. The gate got its name from the reliefs of lions you can see from here, although if you look closely you will notice that in fact they are not lions at all, but tigers.

Opening hours

Sunday-Thursday, winter time: 9:00-16:00.
Sunday-Thursday, summer time: 9:00-17:00.
The walls are open on Saturday for pre-booked tickets only.

Parking and transportation

Accessibility arrangements

  • The Jerusalem Wall is not wheelchair-accessible.

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